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Meet the Owner
Renée Ecckles-Hardy, Publishing Consultant

Renée Ecckles-Hardy has a love for reading, writing, worship, and empowering others to be their best self. Her experiences influence her writing and she always endeavors to be a positive change agent, no matter how difficult the content or topic. She has self-published several children’s book’s, journals and adult inspirational books. The focus of her own books include diversity, inclusion, and her motto is: 


“Making sure readers of color, especially children,

have the opportunity to read books that are about

them while providing content that all children can

learn from is my passion.”  


An encourager at heart, Renée is often praised for her positive outlook and bright smile. She is passionate about helping others recognize their self-worth and the value of the spoken word. Through written and verbal platforms she seeks to inspire others by what she calls The 3 E’s: Encourage-Empower-Engage. As a publishing consultant and book coach, Brown Butterfly Publishing was established in order to give her the opportunity to share her knowledge with others who desire to become published authors. 

Brown Butterfly Publishing Clients


Our Why

Traditional publishing companies are pretty set in their ways. They know what they want and usually even who they want, and they are not very open to venturing outside of what they know. What does that mean for new authors? Especially authors of color? That can mean rejection after rejection after rejection. This is what Renée experienced time and time again. Regardless of the fact that she is a trained and certified writer with credentials from the Institute For Writers (IFW), where she earned college credits for her Writing for Children and Teens courses. As she graduated from the courses, she was encouraged to submit her writing proposals to several different publishing platforms. In the end, no one was willing to give her quality writing a chance.


After trying for several years, and nearly 20 years after taking the IFW course, Renée was introduced to self-publishing. As a lifelong learner, she delved into courses and connected with writing, publishing, and author groups similar to her goals. As a result, she has sense published seven children's picture books, five corresponding coloring books, three children's journals, and 4 adult inspirational journals. It took a lot of knowledge and insight to create such amazing work, and she decided that the next step in her ventures was to help other aspiring writers, "break free from your writing cocoon to become published authors!" 


Renée is passionate about writing books with representation, inclusion, equity, and diversity. But she also desires to see others, especially writers of color, accomplish publishing goals in whatever genre they are passionate about. So, break free beautiful butterfly! It's time to burst that crysalis so you can soar as a published author!

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